Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The second busiest day!

I woke up this morning feeling a lot better than yesterday. We had a big day ahead of us so I was glad to wake up refreshed. We missed devotions yesterday morning so we did Colossians 3 this morning before we headed out to Tampines Junior College to play a game and have a clinic afterwards. One of Dave's ex players who was at the game Thursday watching is actually a PE teacher their and set this up.

We met him this morning and he brought his five year old daughter along. She was the cutest thing I have seen all trip. I think all children are cute but there is something about Asian kids. She was a joy to be around and so was her three year old sister when she showed up later on. We showed up to TPJC at 8:30 and it was hot! We were playing on a court outside and it didn't take much to sweat of course. It must have been close to 100 degrees on the court. Coming back to Corvallis will suck, mark my words on that.

For a junior college these students had pretty good size. But once we started playing and they saw Bobbie our 6'8" giant, we ended up winning pretty easily. It was nice to move around after yesterday. Though I got tired quick, it felt good. We also had Edric, another ex teammate of Dave's join us so that was blessing. After the game we had a very quick clinic that focused on areas we thought there team could work on. There season starts in a couple weeks so I think anything we would have do would have benefitted them.

We then after the clinic were able to sit down with the players and just talk. We asked questions about their life and they did the same for us. It was a really good time. Once they get warmed up to you it makes it a lot easier. Noon came around pretty quick so we had to head off to get lunch pretty quick. Since we were in a little of a rush, McDonald's ended up being what we ate. It was the first McDonald's meal I have had in over six months easy! It wasn't too bad though.

We then headed off to Christ Church Secondary School for a clinic. This school was on the whole other side of the country so I took a nap. I missed out on seeing Malaysia in the distance but I liked my sleep. One thing I want to point out it even though the school name is called Christ Church doesn't mean they know Jesus or have heard of Him. In Singapore students take a series of tests that decide their fate in life. Depending on their test score, that decides where they go to school so they have no choice. Therefore, knowing the name of Jesus in a setting like this isn't always the case.

We had an hour and a half to run the clinic before our big event that evening. Again we had the opportunity to share with the students after the clinic so we did. One thing that was crazy about this day is two of the kids that followed us everywhere yesterday were there at the clinic. They must have talked to someone at YouthWorks and made connections somehow so that was cool to see me there. Good to know we are making a positive impact and not a negative one,

After the clinic we went and grabbed dinner before going back to the ICS for the Poly 3 on 3 event with Chinese students who are studying in Singapore. Of all places we went to McDonald's again! I thought I was going to die, I am not even kidding. I got what I thought was a healthy chicken sandwich and I can't even describe what it looked like and tasted like. Disgusted. I would have rather had rice instead even though I have had that every day so far on the trip.

We showed up to ICS not really with a plan. I knew we were going to have one 3 on 3 team represent the US but other than that everything else coming up was new to me. I ended up not playing on the 3 on 3 team which gave me a good break. During the event each SA player got placed with a 3 on 3 team to befriend them. I wasn't aware of what they exactly wanted but in the end it ended up working out.

After the tournament we split our team up into two teams and had an All-star game with the Chinese students. My team wasn't that great but it really didn't matter we had fun anyways. After this Dave shared his testimony. The group I was placed with was one of the so called harder groups so they had two YFC volunteers there for support while every other team had only one volunteer. So the nerves were really on me but God was there with me.

After Dave shared with them it was my turn to share my story. I knew they probably wouldn't be that interested to here what I had to say but after coming down to their level I could really tell they were listening to me so that was a big encouragement after being nervous beforehand. It turned out one guy in their group was a solid Christian. We began talking after I shared for quite a bit. Jason was his name and I will defiantly be keeping in contact with him.

After the event was over most of the 3 on 3 players wanted to play a full game against us. China versus America. Most of them are on a bigger team that plays weekly so we thought why not play. We had a blast doing it too.

After this, the day was concluded. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and we only have one more game left. The trip is actually most over and I can't believe it. I feel like I just got here yesterday and it had already been 9 days. Unbelievable! I've already have had a longer spring break then most kids in the states and I am complaining. My bet is that I would not be the only one. Really looking forward to tomorrow! Something I will never forget! Until next time.

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