Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Missing home

Again we had an early morning. We started incorporating devotions in the morning. We decided to go through the book of Colossians a chapter a day. We have some early mornings ahead that is for sure. Our second clinic at Henderson Secondary School. We all were worried about having to deal with Simon again. If that were to be the case it would have been really hard for me to keep my mouth shut. Never the less we ran the clinic and everything ran smooth. No Simon so that was a nice thing. Henderson fed us lunch again which was amazing. I love the food over here, that will be one thing I will have a hard time leaving.

Earlier in the day we found out the SCAPE evening event was cancelled and would only be happening on Friday instead. That meant we would have the evening free which was something I was looking forward too. We had a couple hour break between events so we went to the YouthWorks office and hung out in there recreation room.

This was the second time I had the chance to be in Wifi. This mission trip is a little different from the rest since we are in such a developed country. I was able to chat back and forth with my brother and sister for a bit so that was really nice. The only downside was that we had a bad connection. But it was good to talk to them for a bit. Really got me missing home.

From here we went to a school with so-called at risk kids to run a clinic for them. Little did I know this clinic would be the hardest and most discouraging. I am not doubting God moved, it was just hard. I was placed with two students the whole time named Woo Tao and Woo Hoo. I probably butchered their names but I've butchered a lot of them this trip. Every time I tried to strike up a conversation with them their response was either 'nothing' or 'sleep'.

Come to find out after the clinic I wasn't the only one to have problems. Others did too. Some of the team members had kids that were great. One kid specifically gave a lot of insight on some of the students. Most of them are or were associated with a gang already inside the school. This broke my heart because it made me think of the youth we got to play against in the prison. It is cool to see that God works in many different ways but I just wish these kids would have respect us better. It was a downer for the most part.

We got back to the flat around 8 after we got some dinner. I feel right asleep since tomorrow we had a big schedule ahead. This is about the time that most teams hit a wall. I feel that it might happen but we have to lean on God no matter what! Devotions in the morning will make the days a little longer but I am excited. Until next time

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