Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The busiest day yet!

Starting this morning I knew it was going to be a big day. We had a full morning at St. Gabriel Christian School, a clinic than game at YUKSS then head to play the current NUS team at around 7:30. The plan is to go out to dinner with them afterwards. We got back at around midnight that night so it is far to say that today was the longest day we had. But it was a good one.

Starting off at St. Gabriel was tough. The principal of the school wanted to introduce us in front of the school which mean devotions were earlier and we were on the road earlier too. We discussed Colossians 2 at around 6:45 that morning and were on the road to St. Gabriel at 7:15. I may have taken a nap on the way there :)

Once we got there I noticed real quick that this was an all boys school. Every school we have gone to so far has their students in official school dress. It is a little different for me to see every single kid in uniform because I went to a school without uniform but Singapore has it going on I guess. Before the principal introduced us in front of the whole school, the kids sang their national anthem. I got a video of it and it might be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in person. I was pretty moved.

We got introduced to the school and there where so many kids it was unbelievable! The school even went out of their way to print off signs and posted them all around the school just for us. I didn't think Americans coming to Singapore would get so much attention. The remainder of the morning we had the clinic then played outside during recess with the kids for about an hour. That was extremely tiring because their were hundreds of boys just running around it was crazy! Around noon we got done, had lunch and started heading to the next session at YUKSS.

Arriving at YUKSS, The Lord opened up the door to share. Dave had known the coach from when he lived over here years ago and he gave us the okay to share our testimony with them a bit. The best part about this was their coach wasn't even a believer but felt that it would be good for them to hear our story which was such a blessing. It has been cool to see The Lord work behind closed doors when sometimes we just have to go with the flow. This has meant the world to me on this trip thus far.

The kids at YUKSS were way more advanced than any other secondary school we went to, therefore the clinic was more in-depth and intense. Not only did they get a workout but I got a workout as well. During this clinic, we were indoors and it started pouring outside. That was officially the biggest rain drops I have ever seen and not even to mention the thunder that came with it. The first bang we heard all the Sports Ambassadors jumped while the locals didn't move. This was pretty funny given the fact we were foreigners in their country.

After the clinic we then proceeded to play a basketball game. These kids were pretty talented for their age and would have contended I think with Freshman basketball teams in the states. Though the rules are a little different, I think they would have a chance because they really were working hard. We ended up winning so we have only lost one game on the trip. I can't boast about that to much though because these kids are a lot younger than us and winning and kind of expected. Spreading the Good News is the most important thing though, basketball is just the avenue we are choosing to use. Though it was funny to catch little girls try and take pictures of us while we weren't looking. We aren't that stupid, but it was pretty cut to see the look on there face when they got caught.

Sorry this post is longer than it should be. I am just getting started. There is so much. Before heading to play NUS, YUKSS provided a snack for us before our trip across the country, it was like only a half hour drive but saying driving across the country sounds better. We reached the court just in time to play NUS. We warmed up for about 10 minutes then we were on the court playing.

The difference in playing NUS the second time was that our team was so much better, the first game we just had nothing going on right, plus a lot of them were alum so they had talent too. The current players were just as good but we just has everything rolling. It was a good game to win. After the game, Chad had the chance to share his testimony. It was good to here him relate to these young men. He met them right were they were.

After this we headed off to dinner. It was 9:30 about this time. The gentlemen I rode with, I am going to butcher his name but Ba don. It is close, ask me to pronounce it and it will sound better. Anyways me and Bryce rode with him, he has an Audi A5, he sales insurance so he is doing pretty well. On the drive over we found out me and him have something in common. We both collect sports cards. I was mind blown at the cards he collects, mainly Michael Jordan. He has over 6,000 of them. I told him someday I want to grow up to be like him haha. I guess making 15,000 a month isn't a bad living so I think he can afford it.

We got to the dinner and had a similar meal like Sunday when we all shared food. I had sugarcane juice and that was really good. I also had a oyster and needless to say I am not feeling that good while writing this. Hope I don't get sick. Dinner was okay, we ended around 11:30 and then got a ride back to the flat from the guys which was nice.

Today ended up being a long day. I know the team really need to rely on God to make it through and we made it through. My energy at least got stronger as the night went along. But when I got home I crashed after showering and washing my jersey of course. Tomorrow we have no event until the evening with the SCAPE event YouthWorks has been promoting with us. We will be able to attend a Good Friday service which I have been looking forward to all trip. The trip is slowly coming to an end, I don't like it but I can't control that. Got to live in the moment. Until next time.

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