Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Sunday and team debriefing

Waking up this morning, on Easter Sunday, in another country, is something I can say is a once and a lifetime opportunity. My Jesus is the same Jesus here. I am so overwhelmed by Gods love! We woke up this morning and had to say goodbye to Bobbie, what a great guy to meet. Before he left he shared with us why he exactly was back in the states instead of in Morocco. He will continuity be my prayers. I hope to visit him in Morocco someday. We finished devotions and Colossians 4. We then headed off to church!

Church was amazing this morning. I haven't mean to much Easter services in my walk but it was the first sermon I heard someone proclaim the Great Commission from Luke 24:44-49. To me the word spoke great to me because of our mission. To bring the Good News to the nations. The service was great minus the 15 minute prayer that almost everyone feel asleep during.

After church we headed to Marine Parade Community Club via taxi. It is a proven fact that if you are white and in another country, no matter if the taxi is empty, they will not pick you up. After a half hour we finally got a taxi and headed to the club to play.

Once we got to the club Dave shared with us that this was the club he played at while living in Singapore. Little did I know that one of Dave's good friends lived in Corvallis once upon a time and worked for HP and now is in Singapore. It was cool to meet him. We ended up winning our last game. It was sad to see it coming to an end.

We then headed back to Pasir Ris to shower and get ready to have dinner with YouthWorks. Dinner was amazing. The people I met on this trip were the sweetest and kindest people on earth. They gave us a gift that had a picture frame of the team with smaller pictures surrounding the main one. I will have that photo for a long time.

After dinner Dave got talked into letting us see the city one last time by Meng Kim. I haven't shared much about him during my blogs but feel free to ask me about him. He was one of the funniest people I met on this trip. What a nice guy too.

We then headed off to Marina Gardens to see the city, what a site to see!!!! If you've seen my Instagram already you know what I am talking about. At Marina Gardens he also showed us the bridge that divides the sea from the river. Singapore now has the technology to make its own water from rainfall and waste water. Something the country is really proud about. Behind the bridge they are building an underground highway that goes under the ocean and is a direct route from the airport to Marina Bay. I took down the name of the company and want to do some research. It is the engineer in me so who knows what might happen.

After seeing the city we headed back to Pasir Ris for another late night. Two team members finished sharing there testimony and we then had to do a Barnabas Circle, where everyone takes a turn saying something nice about you. We finished at two in the morning. Luckily I have one more day in Singapore so I can sleep in. Unfortunately that isn't the case for 5 members of the team. They will be up at 6 in the morning.

Tomorrow is my last day in Singapore. I don't know what I will do yet all I know is that Ryan, Nathan and I will make the most out of the day before I leave. Hopefully it involves some site seeing. We will have to wait and see. Until next time.

The second busiest day!

I woke up this morning feeling a lot better than yesterday. We had a big day ahead of us so I was glad to wake up refreshed. We missed devotions yesterday morning so we did Colossians 3 this morning before we headed out to Tampines Junior College to play a game and have a clinic afterwards. One of Dave's ex players who was at the game Thursday watching is actually a PE teacher their and set this up.

We met him this morning and he brought his five year old daughter along. She was the cutest thing I have seen all trip. I think all children are cute but there is something about Asian kids. She was a joy to be around and so was her three year old sister when she showed up later on. We showed up to TPJC at 8:30 and it was hot! We were playing on a court outside and it didn't take much to sweat of course. It must have been close to 100 degrees on the court. Coming back to Corvallis will suck, mark my words on that.

For a junior college these students had pretty good size. But once we started playing and they saw Bobbie our 6'8" giant, we ended up winning pretty easily. It was nice to move around after yesterday. Though I got tired quick, it felt good. We also had Edric, another ex teammate of Dave's join us so that was blessing. After the game we had a very quick clinic that focused on areas we thought there team could work on. There season starts in a couple weeks so I think anything we would have do would have benefitted them.

We then after the clinic were able to sit down with the players and just talk. We asked questions about their life and they did the same for us. It was a really good time. Once they get warmed up to you it makes it a lot easier. Noon came around pretty quick so we had to head off to get lunch pretty quick. Since we were in a little of a rush, McDonald's ended up being what we ate. It was the first McDonald's meal I have had in over six months easy! It wasn't too bad though.

We then headed off to Christ Church Secondary School for a clinic. This school was on the whole other side of the country so I took a nap. I missed out on seeing Malaysia in the distance but I liked my sleep. One thing I want to point out it even though the school name is called Christ Church doesn't mean they know Jesus or have heard of Him. In Singapore students take a series of tests that decide their fate in life. Depending on their test score, that decides where they go to school so they have no choice. Therefore, knowing the name of Jesus in a setting like this isn't always the case.

We had an hour and a half to run the clinic before our big event that evening. Again we had the opportunity to share with the students after the clinic so we did. One thing that was crazy about this day is two of the kids that followed us everywhere yesterday were there at the clinic. They must have talked to someone at YouthWorks and made connections somehow so that was cool to see me there. Good to know we are making a positive impact and not a negative one,

After the clinic we went and grabbed dinner before going back to the ICS for the Poly 3 on 3 event with Chinese students who are studying in Singapore. Of all places we went to McDonald's again! I thought I was going to die, I am not even kidding. I got what I thought was a healthy chicken sandwich and I can't even describe what it looked like and tasted like. Disgusted. I would have rather had rice instead even though I have had that every day so far on the trip.

We showed up to ICS not really with a plan. I knew we were going to have one 3 on 3 team represent the US but other than that everything else coming up was new to me. I ended up not playing on the 3 on 3 team which gave me a good break. During the event each SA player got placed with a 3 on 3 team to befriend them. I wasn't aware of what they exactly wanted but in the end it ended up working out.

After the tournament we split our team up into two teams and had an All-star game with the Chinese students. My team wasn't that great but it really didn't matter we had fun anyways. After this Dave shared his testimony. The group I was placed with was one of the so called harder groups so they had two YFC volunteers there for support while every other team had only one volunteer. So the nerves were really on me but God was there with me.

After Dave shared with them it was my turn to share my story. I knew they probably wouldn't be that interested to here what I had to say but after coming down to their level I could really tell they were listening to me so that was a big encouragement after being nervous beforehand. It turned out one guy in their group was a solid Christian. We began talking after I shared for quite a bit. Jason was his name and I will defiantly be keeping in contact with him.

After the event was over most of the 3 on 3 players wanted to play a full game against us. China versus America. Most of them are on a bigger team that plays weekly so we thought why not play. We had a blast doing it too.

After this, the day was concluded. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and we only have one more game left. The trip is actually most over and I can't believe it. I feel like I just got here yesterday and it had already been 9 days. Unbelievable! I've already have had a longer spring break then most kids in the states and I am complaining. My bet is that I would not be the only one. Really looking forward to tomorrow! Something I will never forget! Until next time.

Good Friday + Sick = Really lean on God

Woke up this morning feeling horrible. Let me just say that oyster destroyed me and I had a massive headache all day. Minus all of that I wasn't going to let that slow me down. I pressed through it and made it through the day. I don't know how I did it but with God all things are possible right? Even with the sickness, I still really enjoyed the day.

This morning we went to a Good Friday service at Pentecost Methodist Church just outside of Pasir Ris. One of the volunteers goes to this church so we thought we would give it a try and we all enjoyed it! Before the service even started we got introduced to the pastor and associate pastor. It seemed that everywhere we went we had to be introduce. It was cool but I felt that we didn't need to be exposed as much. I guess that is part of there culture for encouraging us and we are Americans.

Worship was great, since Singapore is a English speaking country the service was in English which was nice, it was good to get our hearts prepared before the message. After worship, the head pastor did the privilege and introduced us to the whole congregation. Starting to get used to this I guess. The message was then preached and even though I was not feeling good, I was able to pay attention and was really blessed from it.

After the service we headed to lunch, I didn't eat because I just couldn't do it. I had a power bar to hold me off and just drank a lot of water and 100 Plus, which is their Gatorade over here to stay hydrated throughout the day. After lunch we had the choice to go souvenir shopping at this really cheap tourist spot or go to Marina Bay were they have the three towers with the boat on the top. We decided to shop instead because we thought later in the week would have time to go there at night, which I hope we can because the building is sick!

I started getting better as the day went on. We got to the souvenir place and it was packed. I got all my shopping done during this time which was nice but it looked like one of those streets in the movies where you are just packed in. It was a good experience to say the least. Another thing was Gangem Style was playing everywhere! I've really learned to hate that song on this trip which is pretty funny.

After getting a coffee in me, we headed to the SCAPE event for the evening. The event was outside and once we got there it had rained pretty hard just before hand. Once the court dried though we were able to get started. Some of the team managed to get locked in a janitors closet so that was pretty funny. Once I got dressed I heard kids yelling my name. This meant that I had made an impression earlier in the week, or the just love Jordan as in Michael Jordan. Either way I will take it.

For the event we all got placed with three kids and played a 3 on 3 tournament. My team consisted of kids named Nat, Ian, and Gary. It is crazy to see Asian kids with English names but I really like it so I can't complain. It makes it easy on me. We ended up winning the tournament because my team was studs. I was feeling a little better but i let them do most of the work. We had the opportunity to share our testimony with them near the end of the event which is always a positive when we can point to Christ with everything we do so I like that.

After the event we went to Toast Box for dinner. Their are a lot of these over here, it was good too! We happened to befriend three kids at the event that followed us everywhere afterwards. They wanted to be Facebook friends, exchange phone numbers and Skype info. It was so cute. Of course I couldn't do phone numbers with the international rates back in the states but I was allowed to do Facebook and Skype. I think once I get back into the states I will be keeping in contact with these individuals or should I say they will be keeping in contact with me.

We returned to Pasir Ris for the night and would have yet another busy day the next morning. Rest has become my best friend to say the least. I love serving but I am looking forward to sleeping in a little bit Sunday morning or Monday morning whenever I can. The trip is coming to a close and again I continue to be torn. I miss America but have made get contacts over here. One thing is for sure is I will be visiting Singapore again someday. I don't know when but I am going to make it happen. UntIl next time, God bless

The busiest day yet!

Starting this morning I knew it was going to be a big day. We had a full morning at St. Gabriel Christian School, a clinic than game at YUKSS then head to play the current NUS team at around 7:30. The plan is to go out to dinner with them afterwards. We got back at around midnight that night so it is far to say that today was the longest day we had. But it was a good one.

Starting off at St. Gabriel was tough. The principal of the school wanted to introduce us in front of the school which mean devotions were earlier and we were on the road earlier too. We discussed Colossians 2 at around 6:45 that morning and were on the road to St. Gabriel at 7:15. I may have taken a nap on the way there :)

Once we got there I noticed real quick that this was an all boys school. Every school we have gone to so far has their students in official school dress. It is a little different for me to see every single kid in uniform because I went to a school without uniform but Singapore has it going on I guess. Before the principal introduced us in front of the whole school, the kids sang their national anthem. I got a video of it and it might be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in person. I was pretty moved.

We got introduced to the school and there where so many kids it was unbelievable! The school even went out of their way to print off signs and posted them all around the school just for us. I didn't think Americans coming to Singapore would get so much attention. The remainder of the morning we had the clinic then played outside during recess with the kids for about an hour. That was extremely tiring because their were hundreds of boys just running around it was crazy! Around noon we got done, had lunch and started heading to the next session at YUKSS.

Arriving at YUKSS, The Lord opened up the door to share. Dave had known the coach from when he lived over here years ago and he gave us the okay to share our testimony with them a bit. The best part about this was their coach wasn't even a believer but felt that it would be good for them to hear our story which was such a blessing. It has been cool to see The Lord work behind closed doors when sometimes we just have to go with the flow. This has meant the world to me on this trip thus far.

The kids at YUKSS were way more advanced than any other secondary school we went to, therefore the clinic was more in-depth and intense. Not only did they get a workout but I got a workout as well. During this clinic, we were indoors and it started pouring outside. That was officially the biggest rain drops I have ever seen and not even to mention the thunder that came with it. The first bang we heard all the Sports Ambassadors jumped while the locals didn't move. This was pretty funny given the fact we were foreigners in their country.

After the clinic we then proceeded to play a basketball game. These kids were pretty talented for their age and would have contended I think with Freshman basketball teams in the states. Though the rules are a little different, I think they would have a chance because they really were working hard. We ended up winning so we have only lost one game on the trip. I can't boast about that to much though because these kids are a lot younger than us and winning and kind of expected. Spreading the Good News is the most important thing though, basketball is just the avenue we are choosing to use. Though it was funny to catch little girls try and take pictures of us while we weren't looking. We aren't that stupid, but it was pretty cut to see the look on there face when they got caught.

Sorry this post is longer than it should be. I am just getting started. There is so much. Before heading to play NUS, YUKSS provided a snack for us before our trip across the country, it was like only a half hour drive but saying driving across the country sounds better. We reached the court just in time to play NUS. We warmed up for about 10 minutes then we were on the court playing.

The difference in playing NUS the second time was that our team was so much better, the first game we just had nothing going on right, plus a lot of them were alum so they had talent too. The current players were just as good but we just has everything rolling. It was a good game to win. After the game, Chad had the chance to share his testimony. It was good to here him relate to these young men. He met them right were they were.

After this we headed off to dinner. It was 9:30 about this time. The gentlemen I rode with, I am going to butcher his name but Ba don. It is close, ask me to pronounce it and it will sound better. Anyways me and Bryce rode with him, he has an Audi A5, he sales insurance so he is doing pretty well. On the drive over we found out me and him have something in common. We both collect sports cards. I was mind blown at the cards he collects, mainly Michael Jordan. He has over 6,000 of them. I told him someday I want to grow up to be like him haha. I guess making 15,000 a month isn't a bad living so I think he can afford it.

We got to the dinner and had a similar meal like Sunday when we all shared food. I had sugarcane juice and that was really good. I also had a oyster and needless to say I am not feeling that good while writing this. Hope I don't get sick. Dinner was okay, we ended around 11:30 and then got a ride back to the flat from the guys which was nice.

Today ended up being a long day. I know the team really need to rely on God to make it through and we made it through. My energy at least got stronger as the night went along. But when I got home I crashed after showering and washing my jersey of course. Tomorrow we have no event until the evening with the SCAPE event YouthWorks has been promoting with us. We will be able to attend a Good Friday service which I have been looking forward to all trip. The trip is slowly coming to an end, I don't like it but I can't control that. Got to live in the moment. Until next time.

Missing home

Again we had an early morning. We started incorporating devotions in the morning. We decided to go through the book of Colossians a chapter a day. We have some early mornings ahead that is for sure. Our second clinic at Henderson Secondary School. We all were worried about having to deal with Simon again. If that were to be the case it would have been really hard for me to keep my mouth shut. Never the less we ran the clinic and everything ran smooth. No Simon so that was a nice thing. Henderson fed us lunch again which was amazing. I love the food over here, that will be one thing I will have a hard time leaving.

Earlier in the day we found out the SCAPE evening event was cancelled and would only be happening on Friday instead. That meant we would have the evening free which was something I was looking forward too. We had a couple hour break between events so we went to the YouthWorks office and hung out in there recreation room.

This was the second time I had the chance to be in Wifi. This mission trip is a little different from the rest since we are in such a developed country. I was able to chat back and forth with my brother and sister for a bit so that was really nice. The only downside was that we had a bad connection. But it was good to talk to them for a bit. Really got me missing home.

From here we went to a school with so-called at risk kids to run a clinic for them. Little did I know this clinic would be the hardest and most discouraging. I am not doubting God moved, it was just hard. I was placed with two students the whole time named Woo Tao and Woo Hoo. I probably butchered their names but I've butchered a lot of them this trip. Every time I tried to strike up a conversation with them their response was either 'nothing' or 'sleep'.

Come to find out after the clinic I wasn't the only one to have problems. Others did too. Some of the team members had kids that were great. One kid specifically gave a lot of insight on some of the students. Most of them are or were associated with a gang already inside the school. This broke my heart because it made me think of the youth we got to play against in the prison. It is cool to see that God works in many different ways but I just wish these kids would have respect us better. It was a downer for the most part.

We got back to the flat around 8 after we got some dinner. I feel right asleep since tomorrow we had a big schedule ahead. This is about the time that most teams hit a wall. I feel that it might happen but we have to lean on God no matter what! Devotions in the morning will make the days a little longer but I am excited. Until next time

Kids and more kids

Waking up this morning was a little tough. I've got a feeling every morning is going to be like this. Minus that, I was able to get up and around 7am the team headed to our first clinic of the day at Greendale Primary School. Leewa's kids go to school here. Leewa was sharing that the principal was a strong Christian and that some mothers of the school would get together during the week to pray for the youth. They have done this for two years just to have an opportunity to come into the schools and befriend the students. This again showed me that God is faithful to answer prayers if you continually ask Him.

In the morning we had 4 classes to run clinics for. Me and Bryce were teamed up again and talked about the value of teamwork with the students. Primary school students are by far my favorite to work with. My dad teaches that grade and the kids are always so excited and willing to learn so it was always encouraging. They also love to say the 's' word which was hard not to laugh at but what can you do :) One class had 120 students which meant 30 kids at each station which made us work a little bit but in the end we got through it.

We had a break between the 3rd and last class and got to meet the principal. She was way more humble than Simon from Henderson Secondary and I could tell she had a huge heart for God and His work. We had snacks that were amazing then headed back upstairs for our last clinic of the day before heading over to the international school where Dave and Caleb used to go to.

At ICS, everyone was super welcoming. Bryce and Tim had the chance to share a little with the school during there chapel time which was really encouraging and something I think the international and missionary students needed to hear. After they were done sharing we had the chance to play there high school team. We were able to win which was nice but the floor was something else. Those of you at OSU that have helped out with porta floor, the floor was basically that. I got a pretty nice floor burn as a souvenir because of it.

If there was one thing I have learned on this trip is that you always need to be ready to share because plans change like crazy. Dave the night before asked Ryan on the team if he would be willing to share with the ICS players, but when we got done with the game Dave asked if I was ready. Kind of a shock but I always had something in mind. I shared my life verses with them and just told them to always delight in God and to trust in Him. I got to pray with them afterwards and I had multiple teachers come up and tell me that what I said really meant a lot. It wasn't my own strength but Gods so I was glad to help.

After ICS, we grabbed dinner then headed back to the headquarters at Pasir Ris for the evening. This trip is already going by so fast and I don't know what I am going to do when the time is up. I already love this place and really could see myself calling this home someday. God is in control so I can't determine anything but one thing is for sure I am having a blast being here and can't wait to see what else The Lord has in store!