Sunday, August 18, 2013

Letting down your guard

It has been a while. I can't even begin to explain how crazy busy I have been these last couple weeks. It is only going to get busier from here on out. I thought his growing up thing would be easy. The complete opposite has happened recently and as always their is a reason behind it. For those of you who know me really well, I am not patient at all. So this has been a struggle to say the least.

This post is about letting down your guard. Not only for me but for anyone. I have come across to many people who just put on that face that everything is okay and we believe it and go on with our day. Sadly, in the end, these people are hurting and they will never say anything if you don't try to pull it out of them. It is sad but true because I am stubbornly the same way.

After a fun fulfilled weekend yet again in Corvallis, I had to leave once again to come home to West Linn. I have once never lied about how I have been in Portland. I am really enjoying my job, so I have absolutely no complaints there! The problem lies in trying to get one plugged into a church up here and two meeting some new people and putting myself out there.

If you know me, I am generally an outgoing guy. But take me out of my comfort zone, that is a different story. I understand that summer time is summer time and I can't control anything that goes on. I can't help it that I love a lot of people and just want to be their for them during some really important times in their life. I do this because I know they would do it for me. The sacrifice has taken a toll on me and the moral of the story is I am physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

I title this post letting down your guard because one it is hard to do. There are always those same people that ask for prayer I sometimes go like "really", have you given that up to God? But when it comes to me I feel like I am fine and okay. Leaving Corvallis yet again was the hardest thing for me today. That in the past has been my comfort zone. Each week I have been their leaving has been harder and harder. I long to have Portland become my comfort zone and to meet some new people so I can yet again become part of that fellowship that is super important for our walk with the Lord. We can't do it alone.

I am upset that I have let it come this far and I apologize to the people who I just lied to your face and have been praying for me. Now I can't do it anymore, I am letting down my guard and letting you know where I am at. My prayer is that you would pray that I would get plugged in to a church up here, that I would step out of my comfort zone, that I would let down my guard and be open to new things. I will never forgot the friendships I had in Corvallis. But now it is a new chapter in my life and I can't do it without one Jesus and one prayer.

Matthew 11:28-30 has been my reminder and my prayer. "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"

That is my prayer and thank you all who have always been there for me! I am so blessed and can't wait to see what the future holds. Until then I will lean on Jesus for understand and trust His every move in this next chapter of my life. God bless and thanks for reading

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Underestimation and appreciation

Well I just successfully got back from Corvallis this morning after surprising my brother for his 21st birthday yesterday. It was really good to see him, to bad I couldn't stay longer and had to get back up here. It is crazy how little the traffic is in the morning. One hour and twenty minutes to get back to West Linn was faster than I was thinking.

It was also really good to see some people I haven't seen since I moved. After surprising my brother at Real Life, the college ministry I was apart of in school, a big group of us went to BWW to celebrate with him. Sadly for me I don't get BWW anymore after a bad experience a couple months ago but it was good to catch up with everyone even if it was only for a couple hours. It was a good idea to leave this morning instead of last night to come back to West Linn. I feel like I have the strength to already get through the day. I know that won't be the case come two o'clock when I hit a wall. Coffee will be my best friend then.

Driving back this morning and talking with my buddy Bryce last night at BWW really got me thinking. I love times like this when it is just you and God. The sunrise was beautiful as well this morning. The last month I have been reading a new book by John Eldredge called Beautiful Outlaw. The book is structured around rediscovering and experiencing the playful, disruptive, and extravagant personality of Jesus. Reading through this book as well as just observing the world around me, I have come to realize how we as believers underestimate the Gospels and discovering who Jesus was and is.

In today's world, people are just to easily convinced and persuaded which is a dangerous thing to think. Just going through this book has reminded me of who Jesus was and is! Today society tells us that God is not a personal God and he is to distant and worthy to approach in all of His glory. The fact of the matter is that God was man as well. Jesus was as much human as you and me are today. Though he was God, he had feelings and emotions too. If he didn't who would just willing submit themselves to go to the cross to save all of mankind? Thinking about this has made me realize how much I have underestimated and appreciated the power of the Gospels.

Those words in red are so powerful! When was the last time you really sat down and studied the Gospels and Jesus and his words? I think we all take them for granted. We will read other books in the Bible which are great too that also talk about who Jesus was but Jesus also talked too. These thoughts that have popped up into my head are definitely gonna get me back into the Gospels.

I would totally recommend John Eldredges book if you are looking for a good read! It is so simple and yet we are so easily distracted. It is crazy! I love how God works during times like these. I can't thank Him enough for all He as already done. Hope this blesses you all this morning. Until next time...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tidal Waves

This evening I just got back from a great weekend in Bend and Corvallis. There will be many more trips this month which I am looking forward too. I just have to find time to rest somewhere in between there :) This post is brought about from a sermon I heard earlier at Calvary Chapel today in Corvallis. The sermon title "The Storms of Life" really hit home with me and I am pretty sure the whole congregation in attendance. To dig deeper to why this topic of discussion is on my heart let me give a little background to today.

I left Corvallis after church to get back to West Linn. Since April I have been waiting for some exam scores to come back on my Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Since being a student my goal in life has been to someday become a professional engineer. This would only take four years of practical experience in the field of civil engineering after I pass my FE exam. Having a great job and all I was on the right path to making this dream possible in four years.

I finally get the letter in the mail, the results are not what I am looking for. I was pretty disappointed to be honest. I did everything I could to pass that exam. 98% of students from OSU that are CE students pass the exam. I took review courses and everything to help me prepare for it to. God just didn't mean it to be at this moment in time. So next April, I will prepare just a little bit harder and retake the 8 hour exam and pray that this is what God has for me if it lines up with His will for my life moving forward.

So going back to the sermon earlier in the day. It couldn't have come at a better time for me. To clarify, I have no regrets taking the job I have in Portland. I believe it what what God had for me during this season of my life at this very moment. To go with that it hasn't been easy. I have had my ups and downs, but overall I am so thankful and blessed for what God has already given me so far at this stage in my life. No regrets at all!

Today Pastor Rob mentioned different kinds of storms that at some point in our life we will encounter. Examples were storms of direction, correction, redirection, and perfection. Earlier this summer I made the book of Hebrews my study book. I am still diving into it and God continues to reveal new things to me everytime! By far my favorite chapters in Hebrews have to be 11 and 12. The author of Hebrews states in chapter 12 to not grow weary during the hard times in our life. In verse 11 it says, " for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." In James it says count it joy all your various trials. I love these reminders in my life and the cross references. There are so many people throughout the Bible who have endured way much more than I ever have. Take Job and Joseph as two examples. I couldn't imagine spending one day in either of their shoes.

I wouldn't necessarily call this next chapter of my life a storm. Sure I have had ups and downs but God is really just trying to help me. It would have been nice to pass that exam but that exam doesn't define who I am as a person or who I am in Christ. I am so thankful to serve a Lord that no matter how many times I mess up He still loves me. What a loving Father. Just in the past month I have learned so much more about myself, something I wouldn't have had the chance to learn if I stayed in Corvallis and wasn't obedient and faithful to what I believe is God's calling on my life. Stepping out has been hard but it has been one of the best life decisions I have made so far. Now I just have to put myself out there and see what the Lord can do :)

If you didn't have the chance to hear Rob's message, I would recommend it. I don't know what anyone is going through right now but I can guarantee it will bless you in some way. Don't know if this blog even made since but it was what was on my heart, God bless