Well the journey has begun. Currently this post comes from the plane ride to Hong Kong. We are four hours in and still have 9 hours to go. It is crazy but somehow I can already see God pulling us through no matter what. We will be in Singapore before we know it. By the time I post this it will be 3am in the states on a Wednesday when it will be 8pm for me or should I say us! As far as I know me Bryce and Chad are having a hard time sleeping.
It is cool to see the work The Lord is already showing us. For one we are the minority. Once we are in Hong Kong it will become more of a reality. Can't wait until we are in Singapore! The suspense is already killing me and once we get there it will be hard to control myself.
For all the mothers out there yes I have been getting up and moving around so I don't get blood clots. The last thing I need is that ;) The layover in San Fran wasn't too bad. I wish we could have had more time to explore but their is always another time for that. For the time begin we are a 3 man team on a mission, and that is to expand His kingdom.
I sure hope the picture of the mountains show up when I post this. I think it is Alaska and it is beautiful. Look forward to coming across sites like this more often on the trip as we can just marvel and soak up God's marvelous creation. Until then, I am going to read some books I've been wanting to read for the past year. I got 14 days until I am back at OSU to finish my degree so I better get to it. I have 9 hours so I should be able to do it :)
Thank you everyone for the continued prayers for us! I am overwhelmed by the amount of support we have back home and this trip wouldn't be possible without all of you. YOU made it possible so thank you. For now, I'll continue down roads untraveled and write this next story of my life. God bless
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