Sunday, July 24, 2011


Trust is a word that I have really learned to trust. One of the definitions of trust according the the dictionary is confident expectation of something or HOPE. The one verse in the Bible that I have always come back to and is one that I have always loved is Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all ways acknowledge him, 
and he will make your paths straight."

Giving God ALL your trust will ALL your heart can be hard. I know I do it all the time. It is something that I am trying to completely hand over to Him. Another thing I struggle with is God knowing my plan better then mine. My idea for a good life may not be God's plan for my life. I know their have been times I want things my way and God wants it another way. I've wrestled with that and it is hard. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad. Romans 8:28 says, "and we know that in ALL things Gods works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". In 1st Timothy 4:4 it says, "For everything God created is good". So if everything God created is good and all things work of good, then why is it so hard to trust Him fully? I personally believe it has to be a transformation inside your heart and you have to surrender everything to Him. Until you do this, you will just continue to live a life going through the motions. I don't want to be that Christian that just goes to church on Sunday. Once you fully surrender everything and wait patiently on the Lord, you will be blessed. Again, God created everything good.

I struggled with giving God my whole heart for a very long time. I believed but never completely followed Him. Now that I am a part of this family, I am always looking for ways to grow. At church today, Ebo Elder shared how when we pray to God we ask more then we should. He stated it as we tell Him what to do and we call that prayer. I know in my life God hasn't answered my prayers the first time around, so I have to keep on asking. I don't believe asking God for whatever you may be asking for is a bad thing, as long as it is His will. I am not saying praying for a million dollars is not gonna come true, but where is God in that picture? I have been trying to direct my prayers in a way that will bring God glory and happiness as well. Because if my God is satisfied, I am too. But we have to trust that God will always make things work out.

My desires a couple years ago where completely different from what they are today. When I first started college, I wanted to get a good paying job, have a big house and have an amazing family. Now I still want a good job, but money isn't going to be the deciding factor. My ultimate goal in life is to start a family. No matter when I graduate and what profession I go into, my family is what I am working towards. Now I am still single and know to start a family you have to be with someone, but it isn't wrong to be thinking ahead right? At times I have pictured the perfect scenario of graduating, getting married and starting a family. It is something that I look forward to experiencing someday, when the time is right. I am a person that loves to look ahead in my life and at least imagine where I will be in 5 years. Well, Jesus looks at it a little different. In Matthew 6:34 He says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own". Though my future is important, I shouldn't have to worry about it. This all goes back to Proverbs 3:5-6 and trusting the Lord. Therefore, I will leave it all up to God to direct my path for all things he works for good for those who love him. I love this promise!!

This may be hard to completely understand. There is so much more scripture that also convicts my heart but I love these verses! I look at my life and why must I complain during the hard times. I have a roof over my head, I will always have food on the table. Some people aren't blessed with that. I am extremely lucky and extremely blessed. At times I wonder where the Lord will direct me, it can be whenever. All I know is that I am locksick and thirsty for more of Him. My life will always be good no matter what I go through. God has a plan and I have to trust that He knows what he is doing. After all He did know me before I was born, so why not give Him a shot huh? :)

 Click on the title trust for Hope's Anthem by Bethel Live :)

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