Saturday, December 29, 2012

Year in review...well sorta

I've put this post off for nearly 2 weeks. I've had the time on my hands. I am not so used to being lazy so I had to give it a try and trust me I became an expert.

The following post is a reflection of the past months. My college career is coming to a close and I am trying my best to make the most out of it. These are some of the years I will never be able to have back.


September started with a trip to Corvallis to see the Beavs play Wisconsin. To say the least I wasn't looking forward to this trip. I was still interning with ODOT and would have to drive up from Medford to Corvallis by myself which I am not a fan of. To say the least the trip was worth it and I saw everyone I was so used to seeing on a regular basis during the school year. The Beavers won and little did I know that win would be the start of something.

My tenure or time came up with ODOT in the middle of September. I moved up to Corvallis for the last 9 months of my college career. Classes started near the end of the month. At this point I was told my senior year would be my easiest year of the 4 year or in my case 5 years. This ended up being the case for me and I enjoyed it to say the least :)

At the beginning of the month my little sister made homecoming court for her senior year. My brother and I made a day trip down south to support her since she was at all our football and basketball games over the year. She was so beautiful and the trip was totally worth it! She was runner up but who remembers that stuff 10 years from now? She was happy either way so it was good to see :) The following weekend after going home my parents came up for a Beaver game and what would be my last Beaver game with my family as a student. With that game and after the Wisconsin game the Beavs kept winning! We once were 6-0. With it being my last year I decide to get tickets for the game in Seattle. Getting the tickets nearly a month in advance was a long shot but their was something about the Beaver team that I liked. It almost paid off but the trip was blast! Good times with good people. Super blessed.

School was continuing to be what I was told. Easy. Compared to my previous spring term it was a piece of cake. I still was doing quite a bit of homework but it was something I have done more of before. Along with school I volunteered to help sign up students for our annual retreat in the fall for my church group. That itself was more work than school but the Lord made everything work out in the end minus all the stress I accumulated. Definitely learned to lean on him always no matter what!

Halloween came around and I did nothing! Instead I watched my Blazers beat the Lakers on opening night! Became super excited for the potential the young team had going forward and so far so good.


November came around and so did No Shave November. I became such a fan that after I shaved everything a couple weeks ago, I made a vow to never do that again. Facial hair is coming back in and I am looking good. Ladies start lining up :) Haha. Got to live for something right? Our annual Fall Retreat with our church was the first weekend and that was such a good break from school. It is so cool to be part of a college ministry where the power of God is present in people. 

After the retreat the term continued to work in my favor. Again, a blessing. The Civil War came up quickly and despite the loss it was one for the books to remember. I was able to get tickets for my dad and sister so it became a family affair minus my mom who was at home taking care of the animals. We got a picture with the Heisman that Terry Baker received back in 1962. It was awesome! My dad made some new friends during the game and lets just say we had a memorable game of flip cup at halftime that I will never forget! Good times indeed. 

Another memory would have to be our IM co-ed football team. We won the whole campus championship in great fashion too beating the other team 31-0! We had over 30 people their to support so we had the edge for sure. I tackled someone even though it was flag but you got to do what you got to do right? :) To cap off November we had to shave, which I didn't do completely until a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say this last November was the best November I could ask for. My super senior year was becoming all I had dreamed it to be :)


Finals came up before I knew it. Passed them with flying colors like a boss! Worked 3 days after finals to make a little cash and then headed up to Portland to watch the Blazers beat the Spurs 13 rows up from courtside! It was an awesome game to see and I couldn't be happier for the rest of the year. Break has been lazy to say the least but as I stated before, I have become pretty good at it. I am back in my element in the country and spending time with my family which will be my last Christmas break at home :( Reality sucks and it really hits you sometimes. Baby lambs were born as well so I was one happy camper :)

Looking towards the New Year

Well the world didn't end which is too bad, but that means I can chase my dreams still! I've applied for a full time position with ODOT and just have to wait and see what happens in January. Worst case is the Lord has other plans for me which I am fine with. One time will tell :)

New Year's Resolutions for me moving forward are pretty simple.

1) Grow closer to God and become more like Him
2) Gain 15 pounds 
3) Graduate with a 3.0 GPA

The 3 G's is what I like to call them. Not to hard to obtain in my eyes. 6 months will be gone before I know it. Life as an adult is right around the corner, but that is something I don't have to worry about until the time comes. Focus on today and tomorrow will come. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store for my winter term. If it is anything like fall I am going to be amazed no matter what and I am excited to see what is in store :) God bless and thanks for being along side me in my journey